Utility methods

heliopy.data.util Module

Utility functions for data downloading.

Note: these methods are liable to change at any time.


cdf2df(cdf, index_key[, keys, dtimeindex, …]) Converts a cdf file to a pandas dataframe.
doy2ymd(y, doy) Converts day of year and year to year, month, day
dtime2doy(dt) Returns day of year of a datetime object.
load(filename, local_dir, remote_url[, …]) Try to load a file from local_dir.
pitchdist_cdf2df(cdf, distkeys, energykey, …) Converts cdf file of a pitch angle distribution to a pandas dataframe.
process(dirs, fnames, extension, …[, …]) The main utility method for systematically loading, downloading, and saving data.
timefilter(data, starttime, endtime) Puts data in a single dataframe, and filters it between times.